Saturday, January 15, 2005

What a Day!

Carolyn was not herself this morning.

She did not wake up, and was lethargic, and got sick. It turns out she just had a stomach bug of some sort. She felt, as we used to say, yucky.

She slept until about 1 this afternoon, and then asked for coffee (her code word for chocolate Ovaltine) and tortilla chips.

A relief.

She has had fun playing with her new learning toys Bug Blast, Sea Splash and Who Will Fix the Royal Windows?

We've been playing with bugs and sea creatures all day.

I've been thinking of cousins today too.

First, very thankful that Carolyn's cousin Olivia had a good visit with her doctor this past week. Granulation good news. My Sister is my Hero.

Second, it was a day of toilet training with Carolyn.

With that, I was reminded of my Aunt Midge's daughters. I remember attempting to potty train cousin Kathy with the marauding Indian approach. This approach does not work with Carolyn (OK, it really didn't work with Kathy either), but allowing her sea creatures (first visit was with the seal and starfish) and bugs (second visit was with the garden spider and ant) was a winner.

I also remember how my cousins enjoyed practicing hair techniques on my hair. Oh, how I enjoyed that.

Well, tonight Carolyn had Mr. Garden Spider and Mr. Ant undertaking grand explorations of Dada's hair while Carolyn stated definitively, "I'm going pee pee on the potty Dada!"


As today's scorecard reads: Two BM's and One Urination with Dada!

She will ask, but more often we take her on a visit every hour. This approach has been started this past week, and today was the mother lode for Dada who had not experienced these Big Events yet. My approach is to read or (now) take other friends (hopefully they will want to explore my hair!).

After being sick myself for nearly a week, this was a wonderful day of relaxation. Carolyn even enjoyed watching C-SPAN replays of inaugurations dating back to FDR's '33 bash while getting acquainted with her new sea and land friends.

Oops, where is that rhinocerous beetle?!

Life doesn't get any better than this, and nothing ends the day better than when Carolyn asks me to "Read the Bible, Dada!"